Our new web page starts to take shape

Yeah, it’s so simple and fast to build a new web page with WordPress, just a few clicks and you have a stunning new page.
Ha ha, don’t know if I am too stupid or just too exact in everything 😉 but it took me quite a while to design everything like I want to have it. But finally our new web page starts to take shape. The main layout is done – some minor adjustments may follow – and just our logo and some photos have to be added the next days and weeks. Not so easy to create a page with lots of photos when most of your photos are stored on hard drives that are still in Germany… but moving gets closer and so also our stuff from Germany will make the way up to Lappland. If everything arrives safely we can work a lot on more photos in September.
Some sub pages will get their content later when it’s the right time to give you more details.
And not to forget: also a German version of our web page shall go online soon. But we strongly believe that also most of our German speaking followers understand English – or use google translate 😉 so, we preferred to start with the English page that also our Swedish neighbours, friends and guests and, of course, all other nationalities can follow us.