Who We Are
… grew up in a small village named Vals in Switzerland. There he was out in nature and in the mountains already as a child. Being with the farmer on the alp, hunting with his uncle, snowboarding, hiking, climbing, slacklining or fishing, life always happened outdoors.
Even at work: as a bricklayer he often worked on construction sites without a roof above his head, as a ski instructor in the middle of the snow he was completely in his element.
He did his first sled dog tour in winter 2015. In autumn he started to work as a guide and allrounder. Sled dog tours, snow mobile tours, snow shoe tours – with Raffi as the guide you always have fun and find the right way.
Beside dogs photography is a big passion of Raffi and Lapland the perfect place to live it.

… grew up in a peaceful village in Thuringia, Germany. From the beginning she spent her time outside together with her dogs. Neither rain nor snow could stop her. At the age of 14 she had the quite silly idea that she will immigrate to Scandinavia and have her own husky farm somewhen in the future. Ok, this plan had to wait a little.
First, she studied law in Berlin. Afterwards, she worked as a lawyer for white collar crime at Noerr, a renowned law firm in Munich.
Starting in winter 2011/2012 she spent her holidays on sled dog tours. So, it was not surprising that she decided to live her dream in 2014. She started the training with tour dogs in autumn. But when there was the opportunity to train race dogs, there was no need to ask twice. She also guided tours and managed bookings and communication.

… After having met in Finland our journey together led us to Barbara and Emil Inauen in Grimsbu, Mid-Norway, were we trained their dogs for races and even participated ourselves. We continued work with dogs in Innset, Norway, before we came to Mats Pettersson in Kiruna, Sweden, where we also had the honor of training his Iditarod team in addition to guide tours.
After one year in Germany – waiting for the arrival of our son Joël – we are back in Sweden since March 2020, and started to build up our own kennel in September 2020.
… Our next generation musher was born in autumn 2019 and since he was home he always had dogs by his side. No wonder that he is the happiest child when dogs are jumping and barking around him.