Counting the days
Time flies… it’s not even one week until we start our new adventure 🙂
We are so much looking forward to this that we sometimes mix up all our ideas and plans what to organise and do first. But since the renovation of the roof of the main house will take some more time we will start – no question – with building up some nice cages and a big free run for our dogs and not to forget the dog houses… So, first thing after arrival will be to measure everything in detail, pick up our order of wooden poles and bottom logs in Arvidsjaur and go to Skellefteå to buy the material for the dog houses. And hope that the delivery of cage elements and fence comes in time. That means the first three days are full of driving around and get all the stuff before we can start to work efficiently.
At the same time it is planned that our stuff from Germany will arrive. A lot of boxes that want to get unpacked. Let’s see what surprises are hidden in there 😉
Even if there is so much to do we will try to give you a first impression with some pictures already from day one… stay tuned and visit our page again on 1st of September.