Believe in your dreams
Oh, that was difficult. I wanted to find a headline that sums up the content of the text but that doesn’t give Corona another place to get big. So, no name of that in the header. But my second idea was to write „stay positive“ until I realized that this word is also very much occupied by the current media reports and can have the opposite effect… so why not staying with our web page headline word „dreams“?
At the moment, of course, it’s not easy to let your dreams come true. Especially if you plan to work in tourism business the crazy situation in the whole world stops or at least slows down your plans. As long as we don’t know how everything develops we can’t go on with the building of the kennel and the guest house but nobody can force us to give up our dreams. We still believe that we can welcome you on our tours in future and we will use the time we have to make the best out of the situation.
For today that just meant to enjoy the time with our dogs at our new fire place 🔥🐕😍