A Newsletter from Lappland Nature Dreams?!
Another newsletter?
Yes, I asked myself that too when the idea came up.
- Aren’t there enough of them already?
- And don’t you usually delete them unread anyway, even if you originally subscribed to them?
- And is there actually enough to report that makes it worth publishing a newsletter?
Oh well…
- There are certainly enough newsletters, but at least I can convince myself that many of our former guests are interested in what is going on with us and especially with the dogs. And those who haven’t been there yet will only get it if they have actively decided to do so, so there must be some interest 😅
- The next question is probably very type dependent. Personally, I go crazy when I have unread emails in my inbox – they then circle around in my head like unfinished tasks. Therefore, important emails are read immediately and usually answered or processed very quickly because they are then moved from the inbox to the relevant folder. So what happens to newsletters when I don’t have the time or nerve to read them? They will be deleted unread, yes. But I actually always take the time to think briefly about whether I really delete newsletters from the respective sender every time, because then I would rather accept one more possible click to unsubscribe instead of repeating it every few days or weeks having to delete an email. But there are also newsletters that I (almost) always read, even if it’s just a quick scan to see if there’s anything relevant/interesting in them, then they go into a special folder. In this respect, a well-written newsletter might have a chance of being read by the right recipient 🤔
- The last question can actually be answered very easily or not at all. Of course, something always happens, after all, the world continues to turn every day – and if not, THAT would definitely be worth a newsletter 😂 but seriously, if you don’t have the ambition to report new things weekly or even daily, but rather monthly or quarterly, then there will certainly always be enough “news” or “topics” to fill a newsletter. When it comes to blogging, it always seems strange to me to write something that is no longer completely new but that I haven’t found the time for yet, because that goes a bit against the character of a blog. Because of the different format and planned publication of a newsletter, it would be ok, right?
And what should be in the newsletter? You as potential readers should actually answer that… the ideas range from the introduction of one or more dogs and their individual personalities, to news about the kennel, the introduction of new tours or tour reports from past tours – perhaps from the perspective of a guest, general information, tips and tricks about living with dogs to thoughts and ideas about sustainable and responsible tourism – to protect our environment and our animals. I think there’s no shortage of ideas… just when you take on too much, there’s a lack of time to implement it 🙈 So, what’s important to you? What interests you the most? What’s definitely stopping you from hitting the delete button right away? 🗑️ Feel free to comment on Facebook or Instagram or write us an email.
So only one last question remains: should there be a newsletter, yes or no?