Midsummer in Sweden
One of Sweden’s most important holidays is Midsummer, the longest day of the year, the summer solstice 💐☀️🌸
Many tourists want to experience midsummer in Sweden and are disappointed that there are not lavish parties everywhere – apart from exceptions in large cities and tourist hotspots. Many Swedes traditionally celebrate midsummer with their families, often in their “stuga” – most Swedes still have a summer house somewhere where they spend such occasions as well as their four-week summer vacation. Of course there are also midsummer celebrations, including here in Moräng. But it’s not about making the biggest fuss possible, it’s much more about meeting up for fika – for example, coffee and cake, chatting and finally dancing together around the midsummer pole that has previously been decorated with birch twigs and flowers. The most well-known song what the sing while dancing is “små grodorna” and is about little frogs 🐸 just google it, it’s really funny…
Our Midsummer weekend began on Thursday evening with delicious pizza from the stone oven 🍕

Friday is Midsommarafton, the evening before midsummer. On this day, traditionally a midsummer festival takes place in Moräng. Everything in a small, cozy setting, but of course also with delicious fika and the traditional dance 💃

In the evening we visited friends for a small birthday party combined with a cozy barbecue evening by the lake.
On Saturday, a spontaneous return visit took place, as some guests at the party wanted to see our dogs 🐕 and by the way, we were sitting comfortably by the fire again, because they hadn’t tasted Swedish coffee boiled over open fire yet ☕️

Meanwhile, Michelle made a flower wreath for Maya, who then had to serve as a midsummer photo model. Well, with a few treats, she didn’t think it was too bad 😂

And what else belongs to midsummer? Vanilla ice cream and strawberries, of course.

Afterwards, Michelle and I went on a short trekking tour with Tornado and Zazu to the Glommersberget with a view over Glommersträsk to Vithatten. However, it was difficult to stop because both we and the dogs were immediately surrounded by countless mosquitoes, knots and horseflies. Anyway, the view was still beautiful 🤩
In the evening we went on a moose safari and thanks to Raffi’s eagle eyes we actually saw a moose cow. In the picture it even looks like she is sticking her tongue out at us. 😉

All in all a very nice, relaxing weekend.