Northern Lights
The last two nights “Lady Aurora” was dancing over the dog kennel. Take a moment and enjoy.

The last two nights “Lady Aurora” was dancing over the dog kennel. Take a moment and enjoy.
While there was snow ❄️ a bit more in the north the last days our training plan was smashed because of very warm temperatures around 12° and high humidity in the air ☁️💦 of course, we are anyway very flexible with the plan because everything is adapted to the needs of our dogs, especially the puppies who are not completely grown up yet. But after two planned resting days we were looking forward to run them on the weekend. Ok, instead we enjoyed some time in the free run together.
And what you might have already seen on Instagram: we have a new family member. His name is Olaf. He is six years old and originally from a small race kennel in Norway. He has been in Sweden since this summer in a medium sized kennel but it turned out that he doesn’t feel comfortable with too many dogs around him. So, we were asked if we want to take him… and look at his nice body, special fur color, and best of all: his smile. Could you regret?
For the moment he stays together with Lumene who is not as crazy as the puppies and from the first step into the cage it seemed as he feels home 🥰 he can’t get enough cuddles, so he might probably be one of the favourite guest dogs in winter 😉
Oh, that was difficult. I wanted to find a headline that sums up the content of the text but that doesn’t give Corona another place to get big. So, no name of that in the header. But my second idea was to write „stay positive“ until I realized that this word is also very much occupied by the current media reports and can have the opposite effect… so why not staying with our web page headline word „dreams“?
At the moment, of course, it’s not easy to let your dreams come true. Especially if you plan to work in tourism business the crazy situation in the whole world stops or at least slows down your plans. As long as we don’t know how everything develops we can’t go on with the building of the kennel and the guest house but nobody can force us to give up our dreams. We still believe that we can welcome you on our tours in future and we will use the time we have to make the best out of the situation.
For today that just meant to enjoy the time with our dogs at our new fire place 🔥🐕😍
Yeah, yesterday the free run for the dogs was finished 😃 not really finished if you think that we want to build a shelter with a fireplace and a tower for relaxing hours with our dogs and guests. But fence and doors are done, so the dogs could enjoy a long free run with a lot of cuddles or just chewing on some wood sticks 🐕🐾😋
And hopefully next week the kennel elements will be delivered so that we can finish that part of the project too.
Today we used the nice weather to get some wood in the shelter and cut the bushes on the yard – winter isn’t far anymore 😉❄️☃️