The adventure begins
Today is the day! The first day of our new life 😃
The trailer was packed already yesterday so that we just had to put our last bags with cameras, computer and food as well as the dogs into the car and could start the journey in the morning. Originally it was planned to stop in Arvidsjaur for the paperwork and then go on to Moräng but since there were quite a lot incidents of theft and burglary in the area the last days we decided to go to the house first, park the trailer there and then go back for the paperwork. Some useless driving but better than to risk all our stuff 😉
And by the way, I almost forgot to tell you another typical Lapland story: knowing that we will need a trailer for moving we booked a one-way-rental from Kiruna to Arvidsjaur already in July. But don’t believe that safes your plans! Five days ago we got a message that there are unfortunately no trailers available in Kiruna but they changed the booking to pickup in Malmberget – you don’t know where this is? Ah, just 1,5h one way from Kiruna, so not far from what we booked 😒 and not to forget that we pass by the rental station in Kiruna quite often and there are always at least five trailers standing there. But asking at the station didn’t help because they couldn’t do anything, everything works via internet booking 😬 really customer-friendly 🙈
So, in the end we cancelled the (changed) booking and thankfully borrowed a trailer from Mats.
In the afternoon we finally arrived, happy to have our own home now.
The dogs already enjoyed running on the yard, not all free and at the same time until we have a fence around but good to stretch out their legs after a long car ride 🐕🐾🐕

Ah, and we had a very special welcome short before Moräng. A white reindeer with its white calf – that’s a sign for luck 🙂