Summer is Coming…
While it is almost summer in Mid-Europe we still have snow up in the north. But after a week with 10-15° already a lot is melted and even some new snow the last days and temperatures below zero can’t deny that the summer is on its way to take over. We already have 16,5h between sunrise and sunset and even longer daylight if you count the time before and after that.
So, we are busy with making plans for all our construction work as soon as the snow is gone… new dog cages, new dog houses, a new grill kåta (a typical hexagonal wooden cabin with a fireplace in the middle), finishing our little relax place in the free run, etc.
Anyway we took some time to add the shorter husky adventures to our web page. So, if you are in the area or travelling trough Lapland in summer don’t miss a visit with us. Below you can get a first impression but read the full descriptions behind the links…