Have you changed the clock at night, it’s summertime now 😊☀️🏕 Ok, here in Lapland it’s not summer but spring is coming with big steps. It is so warm since days that even the good driven trails are very soft and you have to be careful not to make too big holes when you are walking on them 👣 we would love to keep the winter a bit longer but on the other side it will still take some weeks to melt all the snow and that’s necessary before we can start building new cages.
Meanwhile we use the time for more photo shootings in the snow 📷❄️😃
Yesterday we got a visit of a snow bunting couple. They were really shy and stayed a bit away from our “food tree” for the birds that are here regularly.
But the bullfinches were not interested in them even not in the camera man because mating season has started and the male only had eyes for his females and to hold away other males 😉
The great tit is a common guest here.

Our puppies are getting bigger and bigger and it’s so much fun to play around with them.
The adult dogs enjoy the sun after the training.
And last but not least some very good news from the authorities. Bolagsverket (company register) has approved our name. We are still waiting for the confirmation of the company registration at Skatteverket (tax office) but with the approval of our name we can start to print some marketing material.
A big, big thanks to Barbara Schallert who created our company logo. Barbara made several different drafts from which we had to choose, all with respect to our wish to show the combination of (sled) dogs and nature (hills and trees). It was fantastic drafts, all being a bit different from what is already used by other husky companies even if it’s impossible to find something completely new when you have the same topic. In the end we decided not to take an abstract dog silhouette but a real picture from one of our dogs. That led to the fact that we had to take out the hills to prevent the logo from being overloaded but it is absolutely authentic and our own. We guess you know who was the model for it 😉