

Do what makes you happy

Winter has finally arrived ๐Ÿ˜ƒ The last days we had temperatures down to minus 20 degrees ๐Ÿฅถ and also some more snow โ„๏ธ Actually, we had the biggest snow depth of whole Sweden yesterday ๐Ÿคฉ

Itโ€™s still not so much but enough for short runs with the sled ๐Ÿ•-๐Ÿ•-๐Ÿ•โ€”๐Ÿ›ทย 

When our puppies joined the first time last weekend we realized that the harnesses we had planned for them were still a bit too big… or puppies too small ๐Ÿ˜‰ so, we wrote an email to Axaeco and right in time the new harnesses were in our post box yesterday. Thank you, Henry, for the super fast service. The new harnesses are looking great and it seems also Luna and Stella are proud to wear them…

We are anyway really proud of our puppies. They are definitely born to be a sled dog. You put them on the line, they stand โ€žline outโ€œ (means holding the line straight) waiting for the command to start and then they just go. The first video is right after the start from our yard, crossing our neighbours yard. Next pictures are from the trail, enjoying our winterwonderland.ย 

After coming home they get a little snack and as you see the whole team including the puppies is waiting patiently until the snacks are cut ๐Ÿ˜‹

And last but not least some nice pictures from Arvidsjaur and Akkanรฅlke mountain.



When dogs trick their human

A bit late but I need to post it, even if it was already some days agoโ€ฆ

Since the snow was still not here Raffi decided to start building the next cozy element of our free run. A tower for the dogs to look around and of course a place to sit and cuddle. 

So, he took some trees to start with the basic poles and added the roof base. While working up there Barolo wanted to play and Raffi was throwing a piece of wood for him. After a few seconds Barolo was back and – of course – wanted to continue playing. When realizing that Raffi is up there and will not throw something the next minutes he invented a new game: trick your human ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ™ˆ not difficult for him to let the ladder fall down and watch Raffi sitting up there ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Now we need some more construction wood to go on with the tower but eventually we postpone it to after the winter because today the snow was coming back and we hope for more to go out with the sled soon โ„๏ธ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ›ท